Beauty requires sacrifice - paint allergy

allergic reaction to paintThis article will catch the attention of beauties who take care of themselves, follow fashion trends in hair coloring and makeup, but have discovered that they are allergic to hair dye. Stylists who are in daily contact with hair chemistry can also face such a problem. And you have to work.

We will understand the causes of an allergic reaction.
An allergy to hair dye may occur due to the body's rejection of the component contained in the tube.
Let's find out what to do in such a case, how to heal yourself and help others. Also in the article we will highlight preventive measures. First of all, it is worth saying that allergies happen both to hair dye and to eyebrows. Symptoms in all cases are somewhat similar:

  • Skin redness
  • Itching on the surface of the skin
  • The appearance of swelling of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth
  • Lip swelling
  • Difficulty breathing

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, test the paint on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin that is clearly visible to you. For example, on the elbow. If the paint does not cause itching and redness after 2-3 hours after application, you can safely proceed to staining. But if there is the slightest discomfort, it means that you are allergic to hair dye. We advise you to postpone the procedure until better times and look for a safer option. It may be worth consulting with a pharmacist at a pharmacy and resorting to the use of therapeutic or hypoallergenic cosmetics.

We act immediately

hair dye allergyIf you have already experienced such a nuisance, do not lose your temper. You will be doing your body a huge favor when you know what to do if your hair dye allergy has already shown up on your skin. So, don't panic. We remove the paint to the side so as not to inhale the chemicals and poison our body, further aggravating the situation. Next, we urgently wash off all the chemicals from the head, it is advisable to avoid getting paint on the skin of the hands. Use gloves. In the beauty salon, they are always at hand. After rinsing your hair of dye, immediately take an antihistamine and go out into the fresh air. Breathe deeply, oxygenating your body. The symptoms have been removed. The next step is to visit an allergist. Health jokes are bad. Take the situation seriously.

Tip: Be sure to check that there are no damages, scratches or wounds on the skin before staining.

Eyebrow Tinting: Safety First

allergy to eyebrow dyeThe trends of our time are such that eyebrow coloring has come into fashion today. Unfortunately, this procedure has a significant disadvantage - an allergy to eyebrow dye, which occurs when the body does not accept the components, as in the case of dyeing hair on the head.

You can understand that eyebrow paint is not suitable for the scabs that occur after applying the paint. There are also cases when the skin around the eyes swells, the eyelids swim, breathing becomes difficult, up to loss of consciousness. An unhealthy color and peeling of the skin will tell you that something is wrong with the body. An experienced stylist immediately notices such subtleties. The specialist will also not start the procedure without making sure that the chemical agent is safe for the client's health. Ideally, this should be the case, but in reality, unfortunately, the situation is often completely different.

The algorithm of actions is still the same: exclude contact with the paint, wash off all the chemicals and go out into the fresh air, having previously swallowed the antihistamine. The reason for all this is the substance paraphenylenediamine. It is added to the paint to give color fastness. The concentration of this substance should not exceed 6%. Only then is the substance considered safe for health and does not cause an allergy to hair dye.

Note: dark shades of paint contain more paraphenylenediamine, so brunettes are more likely to get allergic to this substance. Light shades contain only 2% paraphenylenediamine.

When the threat has passed and the allergy symptoms have subsided, we advise you to contact an allergist, undergo the necessary tests, and take the eyebrow paint to the laboratory, where the substance that provoked the allergy attack will be experimentally detected.

A little about unscrupulous manufacturers

Do not believe the manufacturers who write on the packaging: Tested by dermatologists. Often this is just an advertising ploy that marketers use to promote the product and attract the largest number of buyers. Statistics say that only 15% of manufacturers actually conduct dermatological studies of their products, taking care of their customers. In most cases, these are advertised billionaire companies. Cheap one-day firms are not responsible for anything and can disappear from the market at any time.

In connection with these circumstances, it would be logical to assume that it is not worth saving on the means that bring us beauty. Better to pay a little more than to work on pills and undergo treatment to restore the immune system, undermined by an allergy to chemicals.

We arm ourselves with medicines

Drugs that can help with allergies to hair dye can be bought at any pharmacy.

  1. Disinfectants (Levomekol, Fucidin, Levosin). They support the tone of the body and have an antibacterial effect.
  2. In the first aid kit, you should also have local gels. It is better to give preference to non-hormonal ointments. Although they act more slowly, they do not harm the body so much.
  3. Every allergy sufferer knows such drug names as Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin. They instantly bring relief, relieve swelling and itching.

Tip: in addition to taking antihistamines orally and externally affecting the skin with all kinds of gels and ointments, pay attention to the household chemicals that surround you.

Shampoos during an exacerbation of an allergy should be exclusively hypoallergenic. Brands such as Sebozol and Nizoral managed to win the trust of patients and receive positive feedback.

Treatment without unnecessary chemicals

Allergists in such cases are advised to completely abandon shampoos, replacing them with a decoction of chamomile. It will relieve itching and inflammation from the skin. Lime juice along with poppy seeds also have a beneficial effect on skin affected by hair and eyebrow dyeing. This mixture is advised to rub into the skin to eliminate damage caused by allergies.

You can also use baby cosmetics. Soap should be free of dyes and fragrances. And the dishes can be washed with ordinary soda.

Tattoo or health: the choice is yours

You won't surprise anyone with a tattoo now. They can be seen in both a teenager and an adult. We will not talk about the aesthetics of this phenomenon, but will only touch on the problem of health, or rather, an allergy to tattoo paint. Mercury and cobalt, cadmium and chromium. No, this is not a page from a chemistry textbook, these are the components of tattoo ink, depending on its color. Now ask yourself a question: do you still want to “treat” your body with a tattoo, or have you changed your mind?

Tattooing should begin with checking the body's resistance to paint components. If redness of the skin occurs or blisters appear, discard the tattoo in favor of your health.

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