Melon is not a treat for everyone!

In this article, we will tell you whether melon can cause allergies and how often such cases occur. This material will be of interest to those who wish to learn about diagnostic methods, as well as methods for treating melon allergy.

Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Transnistria, Belarus, Moldova are countries where gourds are held in high esteem. This is favored by the climate, sunny weather and fertile soil. In the summer in these countries, the stalls of the markets are bursting with an abundance of melons of various varieties. The pumpkin family includes the following representatives: pumpkin, watermelon , melon, zucchini , cucumber.

I would like to start with something pleasant: although an allergy to melon occurs, such cases are quite rare. Either this type of allergy occurs in most cases in a mild form. Such an outcome is guaranteed to those who know how to act at the slightest suspicion of an allergy.

If the allergen melon has made itself felt once, you should always be on the alert. Other products can cause a similar allergic reaction: chocolate , watermelons, bananas , all citrus fruits, birch sap, as well as contact with latex products. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. About everything in order.

The danger of toxic fruits

Many adults, recalling their carefree childhood, say that they ate everything and did not think about whether there is an allergy to melon or watermelon. Now the situation has changed radically. The risk of getting an allergy lies in wait for us at every turn. The fault is both poor ecology and chemicals used in the cultivation of vegetables and fruits. The toxicity of the product also depends on the place of its purchase. You should not buy watermelons and melons on a highway polluted by cars passing by. Otherwise, even a non-allergic can get, in addition to melon, health problems in the form of poisoning or, at best, malaise.

An important role is played by stress, coupled with chronic diseases. Allergy sufferers react sharply to external factors. Nitrates added to vegetables and fruits exacerbate sensitization to a particular product and sometimes cause an allergic reaction themselves. This also happens when using low-quality melon, stuffed with chemistry.

Attention: home-grown melon, without the addition of chemicals, does not cease to be an allergen, so be careful!

 It is not recommended to eat melon for children under 3 years old, as the immune system is not yet strong enough. Also banned is a sweet fruit for people with problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Melon is known for its laxative properties, so don't be surprised by stool problems if you consume this product in excess.

Allergy-causing protein

Melon fruits contain an allergen protein called profilin. It causes an acute reaction of the body's immune system in allergy sufferers. The danger lies in the fact that in some cases food allergies do not appear immediately. Allergists call this phenomenon a hidden food allergy, or a delayed-type reaction that lasts from 1 to 3 days with increasing symptoms.

P If measures are not taken in time, the patient, in addition to an allergic reaction, runs the risk of subsequently getting problems with the gastrointestinal tract, chronic diseases of the skin and respiratory system. Along with this, cases of nervous disorders due to allergies were revealed.

Cross Allergy Syndrome

Melon can cause a phenomenon called cross-allergy . We have already talked about this term using the example of a watermelon. From the name of the term it is clear that one product is similar in some chemical elements to another, and both of these products cause an allergic reaction. Allergy sufferers are faced with the fact that when an allergy to melon and watermelon is detected, allergists insist on excluding zucchini and bananas from the diet. Birch sap, pumpkin, cucumbers, peaches, grapes and tomatoes are banned. Products so different at first glance are united by the presence of profilin protein in their chemical composition, which turns fruits and vegetables useful for a healthy person into a huge problem for an allergic person. Ambrosia, which is disgusting to all allergy sufferers, did not stand aside this time either: if you react to its pollen, the likelihood of an allergy to the pumpkin family increases significantly.

Melon Allergy Symptoms

The symptoms of a food allergy are about the same:

  • itching and rash on the face, arms, legs, in the inguinal region, etc.;
  • swelling of the larynx and nasopharynx;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose;
  • lacrimation;
  • an attack of sneezing and coughing provoked by an allergen;
  • signs of suffocation;
  • the appearance of peeling on the skin, accompanied by severe itching;
  • digestive problems;
  • possibly fever (rare).

Having dealt with the symptoms, you should know the order of further actions. It is better not to self-medicate, but to seek confirmation of the diagnosis and competent treatment to an allergist.

Diagnosis is carried out in a matter of hours thanks to prick tests that allow you to determine whether you are exposed to the allergen or not. A blood test at the molecular level will also clarify the picture and allow you to prescribe an adequate treatment for a particular case. The proteins contained in the melon will stand out clearly if they cause an allergy.

The results of this test will also be useful for compiling a food diary and daily diet after relieving acute symptoms of melon allergy. Allergen melon has a special number - f87. An immunoglobulin test can be prescribed by a therapist, gastroenterologist and, of course, an allergist-immunologist.

Melon Allergy Treatment

A visit to the doctor is a must. The specialist will prescribe the necessary examinations, identify the cause of the exacerbation of the symptoms of melon allergy and tell you how to get rid of the manifestation of these symptoms as soon as possible.

Taking antihistamines will give some relief. A good result was revealed after patients used the drugs Claritin, Telfast, Suprastin. In addition, it is worth helping to cleanse the intestines. For these purposes, Enterosgel, White coal, Smecta are suitable. Good old activated charcoal is also suitable for these purposes.

All the funds we have listed do not cause the body, but on the contrary, relieve it of accumulated toxins and toxins. Increase your fluid intake. It must be high quality drinking water. If you are tormented by itching, gels and ointments, for example, Fenistil, will perfectly remove it. You can combine their application with folk remedies: herbal baths: chamomile and calendula, for example.  

Melon is a fragrant delicacy, but no one needs to abuse it. There must be a measure in everything. Be healthy and don't let allergies send your life.

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