Which windows to choose - plastic or wooden?

choice of wooden or plastic windowIn a fairly short period of time, plastic windows were able to completely conquer the entire sales market. They began to be installed not only in office premises, but also to actively change old wooden windows for PVC in houses and apartments.

Currently, many buyers have begun to doubt the exclusivity of PVC windows. Increasingly, the question arises, which windows are better - plastic or wooden?! It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question, each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In Europe, plastic windows are practically not used, as there is a widespread tendency to abandon plastic in any form. For the house, Europeans choose environmentally friendly wooden structures that do not cause any harm to human health. Even when the windows are closed, thanks to the pores in the wooden frames, the room is constantly ventilated, which is extremely important for people with allergies. Undoubtedly, wooden windows are safe from the point of view of ecology and health, because wood and glass are natural materials. It is worth noting that it is extremely important to pay attention to the materials with which wooden products are impregnated, because special compounds are not entirely harmless.

It has been proven that PVC windows are not made from the most environmentally friendly material and plastic contains a lot of chemicals. These fears are not unfounded, since when heated, plastic releases substances that are extremely harmful to health.

Many owners of houses and apartments strive to make their housing as environmentally friendly as possible. For the same reason, they do not seek to replace wooden windows with plastic ones, but prefer to restore them, i.e. make restoration of old wooden windows .

Allergy to plastic windows

Allergy is an extremely unpleasant disease, accompanied by nasal congestion, itching, tearing and other unpleasant consequences. Various chemicals very often become the source of the development of an allergic reaction.

After installing PVC windows, a person may feel some discomfort. Immediately there is a suspicion that this is a reaction to plastic windows. Of course, this cannot be ruled out, but it is possible that this is the reaction of the body to the mounting foam, which is used to install windows. It contains substances that irritate the respiratory tract and mucous membranes.

If it is an allergy specifically to plastic, then how to recognize it and what to do in this case is one of the important questions after installing plastic windows.

There are several reasons for allergies. Allergic directly to plastic. Polyvinyl chloride itself is safe, but when heated, it begins to release toxic substances. In addition, in the manufacture of plastic, various dyes and fixatives are added, which can also provoke the development of an allergy attack.

Another cause of allergies is the creation of a certain indoor climate. PVC windows are very tight, and do not allow outside air to enter the room. Air ventilation is difficult, as a result of which the humidity of the air increases significantly, all this leads to the development of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Their spores are unhindered in the air and are the cause of human allergies.

The first signs of an allergy to plastic windows

Allergy manifests itself differently in every person. But nevertheless, there are basic signs that indicate the development of allergies. Severe nasal congestion, shortness of breath, tears, swelling - these are the first bells that indicate the development of an allergy. In addition, red rashes may appear on the body, which gradually grow from bottom to top. Allergy to plastic windows is especially intense at night.

Allergies can lead to serious consequences, up to the development of bronchial asthma and anaphylactic shock.

Allergy treatment for PVC windows

To help a person in case of developing an allergy to plastic windows, first of all, you need to remove the allergen itself, otherwise any treatment will be meaningless. Allergy symptoms can be removed with any antihistamine, paying attention to the dosage of the drug.

Source: chiniokno.ru .

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