Allergy to buckwheat: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

Before we talk about buckwheat allergy, let's find out if we are as familiar with this product as it might seem to all of us? Do you remember what kind of panic began among the population when buckwheat disappeared from the shelves of stores? Yes, exactly when the hype began about the possible closure of all stores due to the coronavirus. Be bad. Our people cannot imagine life without buckwheat, which means they understand its value.

Buckwheat, commonly called "buckwheat", is the queen in the kitchen among cereals. At first glance, a simple porridge, with the efforts of the hostess and the presence of a little culinary talent in the latter, turns into an exquisite dish. Merchant-style buckwheat, cooked by the skillful hands of a housewife or a professional chef, can fight in a culinary battle with any other gourmet dish. The taste of buckwheat and its benefits for the body are known even to a child. Iron-rich cereals top the list of healthy and affordable foods.

In this article, we will look into the question of whether buckwheat causes allergies?

I want to start not with finished cereals, but with how it grows. Buckwheat is not related to most cereals, as it does not belong to the cereal family, but to the buckwheat family. The trend towards gluten-free proper nutrition has led to an increase in demand for buckwheat, and, accordingly, there were immediately people who noticed an atypical reaction to this dish. In percentage terms, such cases are rare, but it is worth focusing on this topic. Although buckwheat does not contain the notorious gluten, which is considered the culprit of allergies, it contains a large amount of protein, which is undesirable and even prohibited for patients prone to allergic reactions.

Note that buckwheat seeds are popular with bees, as they attract hard-working insects with their aroma. Buckwheat culture is popular in countries with a warm temperate climate. (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Transnistria). The agricultural sector relies on the cultivation of this crop also because of the popularity of buckwheat honey among the population.

Buckwheat seeds produce the most delicious buckwheat honey with a rich color and aroma. But, unfortunately, not everyone can try this product. Accordingly, there is an allergy to buckwheat blossom.

Symptoms of an allergy to buckwheat blossom:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • congestion of the nasopharynx;
  • sore throat and cough, similar to asthmatic;
  • manifestation of failures in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anaphylaxis;
  • skin rashes, hives, etc.

Allergy to buckwheat is manifested by similar symptoms with some individual symptoms for each individual case.

What to do if you suspect something is wrong and notice an atypical reaction to buckwheat? Of course, go to the experts and conduct an examination.

Diagnosis of buckwheat allergy

The allergist will prescribe a prick test, as well as a blood test for immunoglobulin. The molecular composition of blood is studied at a deep level, which allows you to confidently determine the presence or absence of an allergy to buckwheat. With a less detailed study of the composition of blood in the practice of allergist-immunologists, there were cases of cross-allergy, where allergens were cashew nuts, rice cereal or flour, poppy seeds, flax, and even such an unexpected element as latex. To avoid a false positive test result, it is recommended to combine several types of laboratory tests at once.

In addition, we have repeatedly said that a patient who has discovered the body's tendency to allergies should keep a food diary and record reactions to a particular product. An allergy to buckwheat or any other product can manifest itself as a minor ailment or turn into serious health problems. So jokes aside! You should always have basic knowledge of how to help yourself or other people in case of an allergic attack in your arsenal.

Be especially careful when it comes to the life and health of a small child.

Allergy to buckwheat in a child

A few years ago, doctors recommended buckwheat to patients, considering it a hypoallergenic product. But with the development of medicine and in practice, everything turned out to be not so simple.

An allergy to buckwheat in a child forces parents to make adjustments to the usual children's menu. Buckwheat porridge of an adapted type appears on the child's table at the very beginning of complementary foods. If there is a lack of weight on the face - of course, pediatricians insist on the beginning of complementary foods with cereals. The first of this list is Greek. In cases where the weight is normal or there is a slight excess weight, parents manage with vegetables, but they introduce their child to cereals much later. Complementary foods are introduced gradually, monitoring the reaction to each subsequent product. And suddenly! Oh God! Your child wakes up with red cheeks! Buckwheat has to be replaced with other products. But it is worthwhile to figure out whether the matter is in Greek. Perhaps the manufacturers went too far with the addition of vitamins and minerals. Or they didn’t spare sugar, to which the baby’s delicate immune system reacted. Try not to completely eliminate the product, but to pause and resume its use after a few days, observe the reaction of the body.

Treatment of buckwheat allergy is prescribed based on the degree of manifestation of the allergy. Antihistamines are indispensable in the fight against allergies to buckwheat or another product. Diet and a healthy lifestyle also stimulate the body's immune system to regenerate.

Attention! The baby is shown exclusively drugs in the form of drops. Zirtek and Fenistil, Zodak and other well-known brands guarantee results, but some are addictive, others can only be done from 6 months. The decision to prescribe the drug is made solely by the doctor on the basis of the obtained tests. By the way, for children under one year old, it is recommended to first use single-component cereals, and then, in the absence of atypical reactions, it is already possible to introduce multi-component cereals, called multi-cereals.

This is interesting! Buckwheat husks fit perfectly into the ranks of the best fillers for heating pads and pillows. Allergy sufferers should do without these miracle products of light industry.

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