Allergy to parasites - keep hygiene

Our health needs to be taken care of. Even a child knows about it. From childhood, parents teach us to wash our hands thoroughly after contact with animals, to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables brought from the market, and to disinfect our hands after public transport. Compliance with the basic rules of hygiene often saves us from diseases, but not one hundred percent. Today we will talk about such unpleasant things as parasites, and we will also consider cases of allergies to them.

Body reaction

According to research by scientists, 99% of people are carriers of parasites of one kind or another inside their own body. To date, more than a hundred subspecies of parasitic forms have been identified. In this case, a person can feel completely healthy. However, more and more patients are faced with the problem of allergies to parasites. Scientists also tend to associate the presence of parasites with such an atypical reaction of the body as an allergy.

The issue requires careful consideration. Many people ask themselves: where do parasites come from if a medical examination is regularly carried out and the whole range of tests is given? The answer is simple: most medical examinations are carried out, unfortunately, “for show”. Or the equipment and methods in polyclinics are so outdated that it is not possible to detect the presence of parasites in the body.

Poisoning the body with parasites

Each organism reacts to the presence of foreign substances in its own way. A lot of trouble we are delivered by parasites that cause allergies and general intoxication of the body with the products of their vital activity. The person in this case is depressed, loses appetite and constantly wants to sleep. People who are prone to allergies are traditionally noted to have a weakened immune system, and the presence of parasites only aggravates the situation.

The presence of helminths in the body causes significant damage to our health. Many patients notice that the presence of parasites inside us is accompanied by external manifestations in the form of various rashes. Pimples and skin rashes inevitably appear on the skin due to toxic substances released into the bloodstream by parasites. In medicine, this syndrome is called helminthic invasion. In simple terms, worms can break the permeability of intestinal tissues, so that pieces of undigested food will fall where they should not. Against this background, there is an increased production of immunoglobulin E, which provokes an outbreak of allergies.

Consider changes in the skin with helminths:

  1.     Rash in the form of nodules
  2.     Rash like eczema
  3.     Inflammatory foci
  4.     Stomatitis in the mouth
  5.     Dry skin

Who lives inside us?

It's time to get acquainted with vile parasites, because you need to know the enemy by sight. These creatures live everywhere: in soil and in water, which means in fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. Helminths, roundworms, giardia and other nasty names of parasites are familiar to everyone who has come across this problem face to face. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay carried out in the laboratory will help to identify them best. You need to know that worms are divided into two types: some lay larvae, which harm the body, and they are called exogenous. Others - endogenous - poison the body after their death and decay.

Allergy to parasites requires careful choice of treatments. Remember: in no case should you self-medicate or use folk methods without the advice of a qualified specialist. Every thoughtless step can cost you and your body a lot. The symptoms of parasite allergy are similar to any other allergy.

The body sends signals as follows:

  •     Itching of the skin
  •     Sore throat and cough
  •     Pulmonary attacks, suffocation
  •     Bronchospasms
  •     Digestive disorder
  •     Hives

All these symptoms, as mentioned above, are accompanied by poor appetite and a constant desire to hug the pillow. In people whose body is susceptible to poisoning by parasites, there is also a lack of mood, depression and lethargy.

Enzymes and metabolites secreted by helminths harm internal organs and cause an inflammatory process. Moving along with the blood, the larvae are able to poison a significant part of the body. They can stay anywhere. The danger of helminths of various types is also in the fact that in the process of evolution they have learned to dull the body's reactions and block the signals that the body should give. As a result, a person may not know about the "tenants" who are inside for years.

Who is at risk?

  • raw fish lovers
  • meat connoisseurs
  • pet owners
  • visitors to public places

All lovers of rolls and raw fish top the list of victims of helminths. It's no secret that it is in raw fish, which is used to make sushi, that parasites are often found. An honorable second place is occupied by lovers of poorly fried kebabs. Raw meat that has not undergone full heat treatment is fraught with danger. The third place goes to lovers of domestic animals, as animals are carriers of parasites both inside themselves and on their fur. By the way, experts advise giving animals an antihelminthic once every six months. It won't harm you for sure, but it may save you and your pet from trouble. Regulars in public places such as saunas, baths and swimming pools are at risk no less than other categories.

It is important to know that the treatment of helminth allergies is meaningless without antiparasitic agents, because if you do not get rid of foreign organisms completely, the immune system is not able to deal with this problem. Traditional medicine advises using herbal teas, and whether or not to listen is up to you!

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