We all know about the benefits of vitamins from the school bench. Therefore, we try to consume as many vegetables and fruits as possible. But then why are 4 out of 5 people deficient in essential vitamins for immunity and, as a result, prone to allergies? Maybe we are doing something wrong?
In this article, we will look at the causes of vitamin deficiency and how it affects your health.
Briefly about immunity
As we all know, the body's immune system, or more simply "immunity", is designed to protect the body from the harmful effects of the external environment. Distributed throughout the body, it includes many barriers to intruders. From the skin and mucous membranes that serve as the first line of defense, to the countless white blood cells that come into play when the infection is already inside.
Immunity is divided into the following types:
- Innate (aka non-specific) immunity. It is laid down at the genetic level and is transmitted to us with the genes of our parents;
- Acquired active immunity. We get it after an illness or vaccination. The simplest examples are immunity to measles or chickenpox;
- Acquired passive immunity. In this case, certain antibodies are introduced into our body, aimed at fighting specific bacteria and viruses.
But this complex system cannot work without "fuel" and "building materials", one of which are vitamins for immunity. They are involved in the process of cell renewal of the immune system, and are also necessary to maintain the body in working condition. And the fact that we have to live and work in a disgusting environment and constant stress only increases the need for nutrients.
And here we come to our main problem - hypovitaminosis.
What is hypovitaminosis?
Hypovitaminosis is a lack of certain vitamins in the body. Many confuse it with beriberi - a serious disease characterized by a serious deficiency or even complete absence of certain substances in the body.
Causes of hypovitaminosis
The main cause of hypovitaminosis is malnutrition. The reason for this is the dominance of various semi-finished products and synthetic products on our tables. Cooking them, of course, is easier, but the benefits are appropriate.
However, hypovitaminosis can develop for a number of reasons that are not related to the low intake of vitamins for immunity:
- Disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which it is not able to allocate the necessary vitamins from food;
- Lack of excipients. Similar to the previous problem. Before useful substances turn into bricks for our body, they need to be “activated” with the use of additional compounds. In case of a deficiency of such elements, the body simply cannot “digest” the vitamins received;
- Violations in the production of their own vitamins. In particular, vitamin D, which is produced in the body under the influence of sunlight;
- Extreme stress on the body. Pregnancy, serious illness, active sports or work in hazardous industries. All this entails an increased consumption of nutrients and, as a result, the need for additional volumes of vitamins;
- Taking medications that reduce and interfere with the work of vitamins. Primarily antibiotics. However, even aspirin harms some vitamins for immunity because of its ability to thin the blood.
Symptoms of hypovitaminosis
Common symptoms of vitamin deficiency are:
- Fast fatiguability;
- Insomnia;
- Decreased appetite;
- Dry and flaky skin;
- Brittleness and dull hair color;
- Frequent cases of infectious diseases.
In addition, there are a number of specific symptoms that manifest themselves with a deficiency of specific vitamins. For example, vitamin C deficiency leads to bleeding gums, and vitamin A deficiency leads to night blindness.
Essential vitamins for immunity
All vitamins are important for the human immune system. But even among them there are the most valuable. First of all, these are antioxidants necessary to neutralize the effects of harmful ultraviolet radiation and combat cell micromutation. The latter can lead to the development of cancer.
Of particular importance to the immune system are:
- A - is necessary for the normal functioning of the organs of vision and the circulatory system. It also prevents the development of prostate and breast cancer;
- B9 is one of the most important resources for human immunity. He is responsible for the health of the bone marrow - the main factory of the immune system;
- B12 - is responsible for the normalization of metabolism. It is vital for the normal functioning of the liver, which cleanses the body of harmful substances and infections;
- C is another essential vitamin for immunity. It activates and supports the reproduction of antibodies and phagocytes that destroy harmful bacteria and viruses. In addition, it increases the overall resistance of the body to infections;
- E - is primarily responsible for the restoration and maintenance of the skin - the first line of defense of the immune system. It is also necessary to prevent blood clots in the vessels and relieve tumors;
- P - not being an antioxidant, this vitamin works in close conjunction with vitamin C. It is also involved in strengthening the walls of blood vessels and combating the effects of harmful radiation.
Where to get vitamins?
The main source of nutrients, as we have already mentioned, is food. But what if your diet is not sufficiently fortified? This is where multivitamins come in handy. These drugs are available at any pharmacy and can effectively provide you with the right amount of vitamins for immunity.
The choice of a multivitamin complex is best entrusted to the attending physician. But if you want to solve the problem on your own, we recommend the following:
- Give preference to drugs with a fractional daily intake. This technique is more natural, compared with a one-time daily intake;
- When choosing, consider the features of your lifestyle. It is absolutely not necessary to purchase sports vitamin assemblies if you sit in the office all day. Also, do not use complexes intended for the opposite sex;
- A number of vitamin complexes cause an allergic reaction . Therefore, do not immediately take the largest set. Start with a trial;
- Pay attention to the composition of the drug, and not to its manufacturer. The basis of the cost of vitamin complexes is the fee for the brand. At the same time, the principle: “The more expensive the better” does not always work.
As for taking vitamin complexes for immunity, remember the main thing. Such drugs are strictly forbidden to be taken on an ongoing basis. The course of admission lasts from 1 to 3 months, after which a long break is needed to restore the body. Otherwise, you can get hypervitaminosis - a glut of vitamins.
But still, the best way out is to get vitamins naturally. Eat sour apples, drink wild rose or hawthorn infusion. Don't forget to add fresh herbs to your meals. And then your immunity will not be afraid of any beriberi.