Dust Allergy Treatment Tips and Tricks

Of all the types of allergic diseases, dust allergy is considered one of the most common. It is responsible for more than 60% of asthma diagnoses and nearly half of conjunctivitis and allergic rhinitis cases. However, even with such a disease can be successfully dealt with. In this article, we will talk about the features of the diagnosis and treatment of dust allergy.

Why do we sneeze?

We are all accustomed to the dusty and gasoline-smelling streets of big cities. And we constantly hide from them in cozy apartments with soft carpets and reliable offices with air conditioning and air filtration systems. Alas, modern research shows that indoor and office air is three times dirtier and an order of magnitude more toxic than street air. And it's all about the dust.

Even Sherlock Holmes noticed that house dust in its composition is very different from street dust. In its composition, you can find various components, from particles of our skin to insect excrement. First of all, dust mites or saprophytes. These small parasites are by no means a publicity stunt of vacuum cleaner dealers. They live in your carpets, furniture and even in your beds. Especially if you prefer mattresses made from natural materials.

Another common house dust allergen is mold and mildew spores. They are especially common in the damp climate of the middle zone and are the cause of every tenth diagnosis of allergic diseases.

Other allergens are also part of the dust suspension in your home. This is pollen from window plants, and wool, or rather saliva, of your pet. An allergic reaction can be caused by a dye used in curtains or a grandfather's library. But any effective dust allergy treatment starts with identifying the true culprit.

When to seek medical help?

According to statistics, only every third allergy sufferer seeks medical help. Most prefer to get by with "proven means", and many are not even aware of their illness, attributing sneezing and runny nose to colds and climate.

The main symptoms of a dust allergy are:

  1.  Rhinitis (aka runny nose). This is a protective reaction of the body to allergens that have entered the nasopharynx. He tries to expel uninvited guests by sneezing or neutralize them by "packing" them in mucus;
  2.  Conjunctivitis . Another defensive response. The eyelids swell, the whites of the eyes are covered with a network of blood vessels. There is a burning sensation in the eyes, tears are released, washing out the allergen.
  3.  Asthma . The most dangerous symptom. Asthma causes allergens to enter the bronchial tubes, causing them to become inflamed. A severe and painful cough, shortness of breath and pressure in the chest begin. In the worst cases, death is possible.

You should seek immediate treatment from an allergist if you notice one or more of the symptoms of a dust allergy:

  • During dry cleaning, sleep or after waking up;
  •  When in rooms with carpets, books or soft toys;
  • Contact with animals or house plants.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Allergic diseases are diagnosed by various methods. Their main task is not to determine the fact of the disease itself, but to identify the specific allergen that caused the reaction. The following methods can be used for this:

  1. Surface skin testing - samples of allergens are applied to the surface of the patient's skin and they interact with him through scratches. The oldest way;
  2. Subcutaneous tests - generally similar to the previous one, but in this case, the samples are injected under the patient's skin. Usually used when the first method does not give an explicit result;
  3. A blood test for allergens is the most accurate and safe option for the patient. For analysis, blood samples of the patient are used, which are affected by various allergens in search of a response. This check is usually carried out simultaneously with the test for immunoglobulin E - special antibodies responsible for counteracting allergies.

As for the direct treatment of dust allergy, the main caliber of modern medicine here is allergen-specific immunotherapy ( ASIT ). This technique is based on the principle “Treat like with like”. Increasing doses of problematic allergens are introduced into the patient's body until he develops immunity to them.

The efficiency of this method is more than 80%. Such an outstanding result fully pays for all the shortcomings of the procedure, first of all, the duration of the treatment course is almost a year. At the same time, several additional courses may be required for a complete cure.

If the patient is allergic to dust in a mild form, the doctor may prescribe treatment in the form of taking antihistamines (Zodak, Claritin, Suprastin, etc.). They are simple, affordable and versatile. But do not forget that such drugs give only a temporary effect, which disappears immediately after they are taken.

Tips for treating the disease

Dust allergy treatment is by no means limited to medications. Much more important is the fight against dust deposits in your home. Although it is impossible to completely eliminate dust, following these tips will make your life much easier. And, perhaps, even allow to do without drug intervention.

  • Get rid of "dust collectors". First of all, carpets, rugs and heavy curtains. Books are best kept in lockable cabinets;
  • Carry out regular wet cleaning of the premises. For her, washing vacuum cleaners with water filters are best suited. But in principle, a bucket and a mop are enough;
  • Install humidifiers and air purifiers in your home. They not only reduce the volume of dust suspension in the room, but also improve the microclimate of your apartment. What is very important in winter, when hot batteries dry out the room air;
  • To combat dust mites in beds, change bedding at least once a week. It is also recommended to expose mattresses and pillows to frost or direct sunlight once every few months. This will destroy the parasites in the bud;
  • It is a good idea to use anti-dust covers for pillows and mattresses. They prevent dusting. For greater effect - sleep in pajamas, which also need to be washed once a week;
  • Avoid citrus fruits, carbonated drinks, and especially alcohol during the treatment period for dust allergies. The latter can not only distort the results of the tests, but also seriously change the properties of the drugs taken. Up to the opposite;
  • Last but not least, don't self-medicate. Allergy is a complex disease and improper treatment can only complicate its course.

Allergy to dust is the scourge of our time. But even it can be fought. And very successfully. And although the victory does not promise to be easy, the opportunity to breathe deeply among your own apartment is worth it. Good luck and stay healthy.

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