Causes and treatment of allergic dermatitis in children and adults

Skin manifestations accompany almost any allergic reaction, regardless of the reasons that caused it. However, in some cases, the severity of skin symptoms is so small that a person may not pay attention to them at all and not associate the appearance of a pimple or peeling with an allergy. Such an inattentive attitude towards oneself can play a cruel joke on a person - at some point, an unnoticed allergic reaction can develop to a state requiring immediate medical attention, and this is no longer a joke!

For most people, the appearance of skin problems raises many questions: is it an allergy or another disease? Is it contagious? What to do and how to treat?

Let's figure it out.

What is allergic dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis is an acute inflammatory process on the skin resulting from a delayed-type allergic reaction. This type of allergic reaction is characterized by the onset of allergy symptoms not immediately after contact with the allergen, but only after a few days. This feature greatly complicates the diagnosis of the disease and the identification of the allergens that caused it.

Like any allergic reaction, skin inflammation can be triggered by any allergen, regardless of how it enters the body. Allergic dermatitis can be classified as follows:

  1. contact dermatitis.
  2. Atopic dermatitis.
  3. Toxidermia.

Each of these species has its own characteristics of development and external manifestations.

contact dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis of this type, as the name implies, appears as a result of direct exposure to the allergen on the skin. The role of an allergen can be:

  • cosmetics and perfumery (cream, lotion, shampoo, gel, soap, decorative cosmetics, perfume, etc.);
  • personal hygiene products;
  • metals (earrings, rings, chains, bracelets, etc.);
  • household chemicals (washing powder, cleaning and detergents, etc.);
  • latex and rubber (baby pacifiers, condoms, rubber gloves, etc.);
  • clothes made of synthetic fabrics;
  • external drugs (ointments, creams, emulsions, etc.).

The peculiarity of this form of dermatitis is that the inflammatory process is triggered by prolonged contact with an aggressive substance, develops quite quickly and just as quickly disappears after the cessation of exposure to the allergen.

Symptoms of contact dermatitis: reddening of the skin with clear boundaries, itching, swelling, a small rash is possible. Manifestations are localized in places of contact with the allergen.

Atopic dermatitis

We are accustomed to the fact that atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common occurrence in young children. However, adults are also susceptible to this disease, and this is not always a "hello" from childhood, the symptoms of AD can appear for the first time in adulthood. There are many causes of atopy:

  • food allergens (citrus fruits, chocolate, cereals, milk protein, eggs, etc.);
  • household allergens (dust mites, animal hair, feathers, etc.);
  • chemicals (washing powder, soap, cream, etc.);
  • plant pollen , etc.

Symptoms of AD: dryness up to cracks, redness, peeling of the skin, itching, a rash in the form of small bubbles, leaving behind weeping sores.

Allergic dermatitis in the form of atopy in children most often manifests itself on the face, arms, legs, groin, and scalp. In an adult, any part of the body can be affected.


Toxidermia occurs as an immune response to an allergen entering the body through the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, injections. This symptom can be caused by:

  • any food product;
  • medicines taken orally or by injection;
  • inhaled chemicals and plant pollen.

Toxidermia is expressed by the appearance of large scaly spots with uneven boundaries, severe itching, burning, and sometimes blisters. It most often affects the groin area, hands, mucous membranes.

The highest degree of such allergic manifestations is the so-called Lyell's syndrome.

Lyell's syndrome is characterized by a sharp development of symptoms:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • chills, performance of cold sweat;
  • Strong headache;
  • exfoliation of skin areas;
  • redness and itching, blisters on areas of the skin in places of physiological folds (buttocks, groin, armpits).

Treatment methods

So, as we have already found out, allergic dermatitis appears as a result of the development of an acute immune response to a certain provoking factor. Accordingly, the treatment of allergic dermatitis includes:

  1. Identification of the allergen and exclusion of contact with it. To do this, you need to visit an allergist, undergo a series of examinations and tests to identify a specific irritant.
  2. Antihistamines . After the allergen is determined, the doctor will select the most effective antihistamine drug, taking into account the patient's concomitant diseases, working and living conditions, etc.
  3. Means for external use. Such funds are designed to relieve itching, redness, inflammation of the skin, eliminate dryness, accelerate healing. Depending on the type and severity of the inflammatory reaction, the doctor will prescribe an agent (ointment, cream, gel, emulsion) containing corticosteroid hormones or agents for moisturizing and regenerating the skin.
  4. Hypoallergenic diet. Even in the case when the identified allergen does not belong to the category of food, it is necessary to follow a special diet. The following are excluded from the diet as much as possible: products that are potential allergens; products containing a large amount of pesticides, dyes, preservatives, other food additives; refined products, sausages, smoked products, pickles; fatty and heavy foods.

Disease prevention

Prevention of allergic dermatitis is reduced, first of all, to the prevention of contact with a provoking substance. Regardless of whether the allergen is known or not, following simple rules will help to avoid allergic dermatitis:

  • study the composition and expiration dates of food before buying;
  • do not eat potential allergens (citrus fruits, chocolate, sugar, milk, chicken eggs, etc.);
  • avoid direct skin contact with aggressive substances (detergents, powders, acids, alkalis, etc.), always use rubber gloves;
  • protect the respiratory tract from caustic substances, wear a medical mask during the flowering period of plants;
  • at home, get rid of everything that can retain dust on itself (carpets, rugs, soft toys, curtains, etc.), carry out wet cleaning more often;
  • carefully study the instructions for medicines, do not take new medicines without consulting a doctor.

Allergic dermatitis is not just a cosmetic defect. In the absence of treatment or improperly selected treatment, it can turn into a chronic form - eczema! If you experience any of the symptoms described, be sure to consult a specialist!

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