How to recognize "urticaria"?

An allergic reaction called hives worries many people. Let's try to figure it out: what does it come from? What is the reason for its sudden manifestation? Signs of "urticaria": blisters on the skin, itching, but after a few hours, the redness, which looks like a nettle burn, disappears.
This is how the body reacts to the allergen. People may have a fever, chills, and nausea. Allergies are often accompanied by vomiting, depending on the body. This continues for several days. Of course, such a disease does not bring a person anything but irritation and negative emotions. But you can and must fight it! The main thing is to be patient. "Urticaria" can also be t chronic. Such a diagnosis is said if the rash continues to appear for three months. If it is not possible to establish what is the cause of this disease, doctors diagnose "idiomatic urticaria". The first thing to do in case of allergies is to pass allergy tests and immediately contact specialists.

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