Urticaria treatment - what everyone needs to know

manifestation of urticaria on the skinAnyone who has experienced allergies has heard of hives. But the cause of itching on the skin can be both allergic reactions and the stress that we face everywhere. Therefore, experts tend to distinguish between true and artificial urticaria (urticaria dermographism).

This disease has a number of other names: the Latin Urticaria and derivatives: nettle fever, nettle rash. The disease mastocytosis (urticaria pigmentosa) has absolutely nothing in common with ordinary urticaria.

The origin of the word "urticaria" itself is clear even to a baby. Any child, being outside the city on vacation in the village, received a burn from this burning plant. Everyone knows what nettle blisters look like. Hence the name of this allergic reaction.

People of any age experience inconvenience with an exacerbation of this skin disease. Both adults and children suffer from it. It is in our interests to monitor the condition of the skin, since the skin performs a huge number of functions, including through it we learn about malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs. Agree, a change in the condition of the skin (itching, redness, rash, dryness, peeling, etc.) is always alarming.

Treatment of urticaria should not be shelved, as the consequences are unpredictable: the disease can become chronic.

Consider the symptoms of hives:

  1. Itching
  2. The appearance of a rash on any part of the skin
  3. Burning that occurs at the site of the rash
  4. Blisters of pink or red color up to 1 cm.
  5. Swelling of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth.

Experts in the field of studying allergic reactions note that the duration of the disease varies from several days to 6 weeks.

Why does urticaria appear on the body?

photo of urticaria on the bodyIt is worth considering in more detail the causes of the disease. They hide in the foods we eat. For example, hives can manifest as a reaction to nuts, chocolate , eggs , milk . That is, it can be considered the first sign of a food allergy.

Also, the body reacts to drugs that contain components that are not suitable for you for one reason or another. Antibiotics often provoke an allergic reaction in the form of a skin rash, so be careful when choosing medicines so as not to harm yourself. Since we have touched on the medical topic, it must be said that the radiopaque agents used for procedures are also the cause of urticaria.

Fungal infections, as well as diseases that have arisen due to the presence of bacteria, the presence of parasites in the body - this is a list of reasons why rashes and itching appear on the hands.

Attention: the presence of viruses and bacterial infections in the body causes an increase in body temperature and a deterioration in the general condition of the body.

Treatment of urticaria cannot be carried out independently; without a doctor's prescription, the course of the disease is much more complicated. The disease affects large areas of the skin. As we have already said, in some cases, urticaria is an independent disease, and most often only a consequence of another, more serious disease, such as allergies.

Doctors carry out treatment as follows: an adrenaline solution is injected under the patient's skin (depending on the patient's weight), then prednisolone is administered (up to 60 mg per day). You can not do without antihistamines . In case of persistent suffocation, patients are prescribed artificial ventilation. To enhance the circulation of fluid in the body and to remove its excess, the doctor prescribes diuretics to patients.

Acute and chronic urticaria

itching on the handsThe acute form tends to develop rapidly, immediately after contact with a particular allergen. This form of the disease can be cured in a few days, if you follow all the doctor's recommendations and do not come into contact with the allergic component.

An exacerbation of the disease will make itself felt after ingestion of the product - an allergen, as well as after the introduction of medications and various sera. The rash will appear on the arms and buttocks, face and torso.

The rash, gradually turning into blisters, itches, the focus of the spread of the disease increases. In addition to nettle fever with large skin lesions, fever is also added. In the most severe cases, a severe consequence of the disease will be Quincke's edema : all mucous membranes swell. The most dangerous is laryngeal edema, since in this case breathing is difficult and oxygen hardly enters the lungs. In such cases, an ambulance is immediately called.

Tip: try not to scratch. Scratching to the point of blood will only exacerbate the symptoms.

Chronic nettle rash requires long-term treatment, symptoms in the form of itching and rash persist throughout the illness, but frequent fever, indigestion, accompanied by joint pain, insomnia and neurological disorders are added.

Important to know: When exposed to cold for long periods at low temperatures, many patients experience physical urticaria associated with increased sensitivity to cold in some people. The disease can manifest itself even from a glass of cold drink.

It is necessary to tell about solar urticaria. From the name it is not difficult to guess that we are talking about the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight. In this case, stock up on sunscreens and skin balms to reduce the risk of skin rashes and blisters. You can find a photo of urticaria in our article.

Facts about hives

  1. This disease, unfortunately, is inherited.
  2. Most often, the disease occurs when the allergen is inhaled.
  3. Urticaria caused by antibiotics and foods - allergens
  4. In children, urticaria is often caused by the presence of helminths - parasites that poison the child's body with waste products.
  5. Beware of insect bites, even a small amount of poison provokes illness
  6. The taste preferences of pregnant women change, so be careful: your favorite food during pregnancy can cause allergies and cause skin rashes.

Disease diagnosis

rash on the skinTo correctly diagnose, the doctor must personally examine the affected areas of the body. Seeing a photo of hives on your body will not be enough. The next step is to take blood for analysis. The laboratory will conduct a biochemical blood test, where they can identify which allergen gives such a reaction.

If the cause lies in the presence of helminths, a course of treatment against parasites will be prescribed to prevent a recurrence of an attack of urticaria.

It will be useful to take a course that supports the body with vitamins. The selection of a vitamin complex should also be carried out by a doctor. Glucocorticoid drugs (hormonal) are used only in the most severe cases.

Now that you know about the main symptoms of hives, about the methods of its treatment and methods of diagnosis, it will be much easier to monitor your health. Be sure to follow the recommendations of the doctor after the course of treatment. Prevention is always easier to carry out than to treat the consequences of the disease later. Take care of your health.


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