Is coffee a good friend or a dangerous enemy?

The opinions of ordinary people and physicians differ. Of course, you need to understand this issue, since coffee is one of the most popular drinks after black tea. Today, in megacities and small towns, it has become a habit for young people to walk around the parks with a glass of coffee. The older generation also keeps up with fashion, indulging themselves in the morning with hot fragrant coffee on the way to work.

allergenic coffee beans The smell of coffee in the morning can wake up and lift even the biggest sleeper out of bed. Fragrant and rich taste excites the body and invigorates the body due to the effect on the cerebral cortex of caffeine. Coffee is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, contains more than a thousand useful micro and macro elements. But that's not what we're talking about today.

Not all people can drink this drink due to the existing possibility of an allergic reaction to it. Also, coffee negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Coffee is not included in the list of the most daring allergens, but you should be more careful if you know about the characteristics of your immune system to take some foods and substances with hostility. The reaction of the body to a particular product is quite difficult to predict.

This may be a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract or a rash in the region of the nasolabial triangle, acne or sores in the oral cavity. Other side effects are also possible.

Symptoms of caffeine overload

  1. Respiratory failure, confusion. Possible lingering suffocation.
  2. Sudden pressure surges, headache, loss of consciousness up to fainting.
  3. Dry mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, the appearance of a pungent taste of bitterness in the mouth.
  4. Nausea and rush of blood to the head, malaise, appearing 20-30 minutes after drinking.
  5. Urination becomes more frequent at times. This is especially true for the night period.
  6. Sleep disturbance and nervous overexcitation. Malfunctions of the central nervous system, irritability and aggressive behavior.
The recommended dose of coffee is 400 mg per day, which is approximately 4 cups of aromatic drink, no more.

Prohibited Products

milk and beans cause allergies If you are allergic to coffee, caffeinated products are also banned for you:

  • tea, especially green large-leaf varieties;
  • dry cocoa (found in baked goods, for example) or cocoa drink;
  • energy drinks used for the effect of cheerfulness, but causing irreparable harm to your health;
  • low-calorie bars, or "healthy snack" in the people;
  • chocolate flakes (with or without milk) are banned;
  • chocolate and all its derivatives (this includes chocolate cocktails).

Allergy to ground coffee is characterized by the same symptoms as any food allergy. It all starts with swelling of the mucous membranes, redness and profuse lacrimation. Sneezing is also possible. Accompanied by itching, spreading to the areas of the arms, neck, chest, possibly on the hands and between the fingers. Frequent coughing and shortness of breath, suffocation - an occasion to immediately consult a doctor. Moreover, if health permits, it is better to refrain from taking antihistamines until a visit to the doctor. So the physician will be able to restore the complete clinical picture and make a more accurate diagnosis. But if the signs of an allergic reaction require urgent action and you are getting worse, then, of course, you should not hesitate, it is dangerous to health.

Examination and analyzes should not be shelved, because the reason may not be coffee at all. Very often, unscrupulous manufacturers of a flavored drink sin by adding chemicals, preservatives, flavor and aroma enhancers, which can cause a violent reaction of the body. Therefore, carefully read the fine print on the labels, and also give preference to more expensive brands. So you remove the risk of intoxication of the body with low-quality goods.

It is definitely difficult to say whether there can be an allergy to instant coffee, because there are far from many such cases. Coffee, like cocoa beans, can cause redness on the cheeks, but quite rarely. The rash in most cases disappears when the drink is stopped after 1-2 days. As for the allergy to coffee with milk, you should also find out whether coffee caused the disease. Perhaps you have become a victim of the harmful effects of lactose , which is more serious, because it is easier to refuse coffee and coffee products than all milk-containing products at once. Whole milk itself often causes allergies in people. Coffee or milk have become the culprits of allergies - the doctor will say!

Allergy provocateurs

Lack of sleep, chronic diseases, fatigue and weakness of the body can be safely attributed to the factors provoking an allergy not only to coffee, but also to any other substances.

To be fully prepared when a coffee allergy occurs, you should not only know how to treat it, but also how to prevent this phenomenon. Here you can not do without the advice of doctors. And they advise:

  1. do not abuse the drink, especially strong. Some substances accumulate in the body and over time can cause allergies.
  2. get enough sleep, breathe fresh air, walk more and not succumb to stress, because a weakened body is prone to disease.
  3. support immunity with vitamins and seasonal fruits (vegetables). The wider the range of useful products, the better.

a cup of black coffee Coffee allergy in adults is more common than in children, because children usually do not consume it in large quantities. The child's body is not yet adapted to all foods and drinks, so the child may not absorb some components, the immune system in this case signals this with a rash, redness and other symptoms. Parents should carefully select what will be included in the diet of their child.

Coffee drinks are fraught with danger not only because of the threat of allergies. Pressure surges, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, heart, failure of sleep patterns are just the tip of the iceberg. That is why doctors advise not to abuse this product. One golden rule will save you from many ailments: there must be a measure in everything! A cup of invigorating coffee in the morning will not harm your health, but daily consumption of five cups or more can have a negative impact on your well-being.

Treatment for coffee allergy

instant coffee in cups An allergic reaction to a coffee product requires immediate treatment so that there are no serious consequences for health in general and the immune system in particular. Suprastin has established itself as an effective tool in the fight against this disease. Zyrtec drops also work well for allergy symptoms. Do not forget that before starting treatment, you need to stop the flow of the allergen itself into the body. Coffee will be banned for you for a long time after the disappearance of the external manifestations of allergies.

After six months, you can try to introduce the product in small doses into your diet to finally make sure whether coffee was to blame or not. Allergy tests do not always help to identify which allergen the immune system has responded to. It remains to proceed by trial and error. Taking good care of your health will undoubtedly benefit you. Be mindful of what you eat and drink, spend more time outdoors, and avoid external stressors. Health is the most precious thing.

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