What causes allergies when eating meat?

allergic reaction to chicken meatToday we have to figure out a difficult question: what causes an allergy to chicken meat. Chicken and turkey meat is traditionally considered dietary, as it has a lower mass fraction of fat than beef or pork. But not every organism is able to perceive chicken meat, although statistics show that an allergy to chicken meat is extremely rare. Its occurrence is explained by individual intolerance to chicken meat, and hence, as a result, an atypical reaction to chicken eggs, as well as feathers and down of poultry.

Parents of babies are wondering: can there be an allergy to chicken meat. Therefore, we decided to dispel all doubts and dot the “and”. Remember that any allergic reaction is caused by a malfunction in the immune system, so listen to the signals that your body gives you. Experts in the study of allergens note that children are more likely to suffer from this disease, but there are times when an allergy to chicken meat in an adult also makes itself felt. If you understand this issue in detail, you should start with the causes of an allergy to chicken meat.

  1.     Meat contains proteins - serum albumin and alpha-galatose, the presence of which in the body of an allergic person leads to anaphylactic shock. And any allergy sufferer is afraid of this phrase like fire, because it does not carry anything good in itself.
  2.     Unscrupulous manufacturers "pump" the bird with antibiotics and growth vitamins, which can also provoke an atypical reaction in the body.
  3.     Genetic predisposition: Allergy, unfortunately, can be transmitted at the gene level. If the parents or close relatives suffered from an illness, then it is likely that the baby will also inherit the sore.


skin allergy from meatSuch an allergy is most often manifested by a rash on the skin. Basically, this is the skin on the face and hands, and the inside of the baby’s thighs can also become blisters. In this case, there is a risk of confusing an allergic reaction to chicken meat with a common sweatshirt. Therefore, parents who are attentive to their child always consult with a pediatrician, without making hasty conclusions and without making hasty decisions.

Severe forms of allergies proceed somewhat differently: peeling occurs on the elbows and fingertips, and with an advanced form of the disease, weeping wounds appear on the hands. The course of the disease is complicated if bacteria enter the wounds, slowing down the healing of the skin.

Well-known symptoms will also appear with an allergy to chicken meat:

  •  swelling of mucous membranes
  • coughing fit similar to an asthmatic attack
  • sores in the mouth
  • tingling around the mouth
  • nausea, vomiting, or upset stomach.
  • intolerance to the body of chicken meat can cause the notorious colic in the baby, the stomach will be hard and swollen

Remember: if you suffer from an allergy to chicken, duck meat is also contraindicated for you, because poultry meat contains a protein that is dangerous for you and provokes an allergy attack.

Who most often suffers from this disease?

meat while breastfeedingAs we said above, children are mainly affected by allergies to chicken meat. Specifically, breastfed babies. It is enough for a mother to eat a small piece of chicken shortly before feeding so that the child reacts to the allergen. Therefore, mothers need to be extremely attentive to the selection of their own diet, because the health of your baby directly depends on you, which is more precious than anything in this world!

It is important to know: for a baby, swelling of the mucous membranes is extremely dangerous, in which breathing becomes difficult and the larynx swells. In this case, immediately go to the nearest hospital, where you can receive qualified assistance. In no case do not try to stop the attack with drugs. Since you can make a mistake with the dosage or choose the wrong remedy for the baby.

Studies show that patients who are diagnosed with the following diseases are also susceptible to allergies:

  • gastritis, in which the stomach becomes inflamed
  • pancreatitis, which affects the pancreas
  • cholecystitis is known to be a disorder of the gallbladder
  • dysbacteriosis associated with disruption of the digestive system as a whole

As you may have noticed, all these diseases are united by localization in the intestinal region.

It is important to know: in a child, the reaction to an allergen may be cumulative and not manifest immediately after consumption. It is necessary to introduce chicken meat into the child's diet with extreme caution, observing how the body tolerates this product.

How to correctly diagnose?

allergy testsOf course, it is possible and necessary to fight any ailment. And here you will be helped by experienced allergists who will prescribe effective treatment. But first you need to clarify the diagnosis. Tell the doctor what you ate or fed your child for the last two days, if there is a hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions. This will help you choose the best treatment options. An experienced doctor will send your blood for laboratory tests, that is, he will conduct a general blood test, followed by an analysis of the level of immunoglobulin lg E, lg G. After five years, children are allowed to conduct skin tests . By applying a small amount of the allergen to the skin, they check whether there is a reaction of the body to a particular substance. The result will be in ten minutes.

Expert advice: “If an allergy to chicken components is found in your body, then you should now sleep not on feather pillows, but on synthetic winterizers.”

How to treat allergies?

An allergy to chicken meat, like any other allergy, only heals, you cannot completelyallergy remedies get rid of it, but you can delay the next attack. Of course, the allergen product should disappear from your diet. But further actions depend on the specialist to whom you turned. Currently, for the treatment of allergies, new generation drugs are used that do not cause drowsiness and do not slow down the brain.

Antihistamines should be in the medicine cabinet of any person, because allergies are capricious: you can’t know for sure whether there is a tendency to allergies or not, especially considering the quality of the foods we eat.

To cleanse the body, doctors prescribe an adsorbent (Enterosgel or activated charcoal). The dosage is prescribed in accordance with the weight and taking into account the age characteristics of the patient.

What should not be eaten?

chicken meat allergyIf it turned out that an allergy to chicken meat in an adult and a child proceeds in an acute form and entails sad consequences, you will have to give up not only chicken, but also broths, eggs, mayonnaise. Allergy sufferers are advised to replace chicken and duck meat with no less appetizing lamb or turkey meat. The rabbit will also fit well into your diet. The following advice applies not only to allergy sufferers, but also to other people: stop eating processed foods and products containing GMOs. Replace fast food with natural healthy food and, perhaps, allergies will recede!

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