Can Strawberry Allergy Be Cured?

With the approach of summer, a juicy berry - strawberries - appears on store shelves. It will appeal to both adults and children. In addition to taste, strawberries, namely one hundred grams of it, contain the daily norm of vitamin C, and the berry is also rich in useful antioxidants and natural minerals.

Strawberries have a positive effect on the digestive system, useful for the core, as it can reduce blood pressure. Strawberry jam saves us from colds during cold weather, as it is a diaphoretic and removes harmful bacteria from the body.

Scientists have found that eating strawberries is healthier than tomatoes, melons, apples and raspberries. It surpasses these fruits and vegetables in the amount of vitamins.

But what if the body reacts to strawberries with a rash and itching? Let's figure it out. Everyone knows that many people, unfortunately, are tormented by an allergy to strawberries. The first thing to do if you suspect an allergy is to find out if this disease was recorded in one of the relatives in the previous generation. Next, you should take allergy tests , where in the laboratory you will be answered all your questions. Do not delay contacting an allergist to avoid serious consequences if the diagnosis is confirmed.

Why is strawberry dangerous for an allergic person?

During the ripening period in the beds or in greenhouse conditions, the berry inevitably accumulates pollen in itself, which in itself is a powerful allergen. An allergy to strawberries in this case will only aggravate the situation. In addition, the cause of the disease is the reaction of the body to the salicylic acid contained in strawberries.

Studies have shown that the level of allergenicity of red fruits is much higher than that of green and yellow fruits. Keep this in mind if you are allergic.

Symptoms of the disease

You can recognize the disease if you know the first signs of an allergy, presented in the list below:

  • Itching on the skin of the hands and face
  • Rash on the face and limbs
  • Dry mouth
  • Blisters (less commonly: weeping sores) on the cheeks
  • Swelling of the mucous membranes
  • Itching and cough
  • Runny nose and sneezing
  • (less commonly) vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, asthmatic cough

Strawberry allergy symptoms may not appear immediately, it all depends on the body's sensitivity to the allergen.

If the body is weakened or hypersensitive to the allergen, expect trouble: anaphylactic shock , which leads to difficulty breathing. It is important to know that in this case, you need to immediately take sedatives that stop the attack and immediately consult a doctor. In case of loss of consciousness, the patient is taken out with the help of adrenaline.

Allergic reactions in children and nursing mothers

An allergy to strawberries in a child proceeds in a more severe form. This is especially true for children who, due to their age, cannot explain their condition. Therefore, doctors, knowing that strawberries are a powerful allergen, strongly recommend not giving berries to children under one year old. When the child grows up, berries should be introduced into the diet gradually, in small quantities. It is important to observe the reaction of the body to a new fruit. If there is the slightest swelling or itching, hives appear on the hands, then you should know: strawberries should be discarded. Also, an allergy to strawberries in a child can cause vomiting and high fever. This is how your body signals you that the allergen is unacceptable.

If your child still wants to treat himself to berries in the summer, but he is allergic to strawberries, just replace it with gooseberries, white currants or yellow cherries.

Pregnant women, like breastfeeding mothers, should also be wary of the sweet vitamin. Despite all the useful properties of strawberries, the berry is fraught with danger. Pregnant women need to know that doctors categorically prohibit eating strawberries from the 22nd week, since the child's immune system is directly related to the mother's body. Otherwise, after birth, the child may develop diathesis , which is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Important: there have been cases when strawberries caused miscarriage, as the substances contained in strawberries cause involuntary uterine contractions. Therefore, pregnant women should carefully consider the selection of their diet.

Can it be cured?

This question worries many patients. Because every year more and more people suffer from this disease. In modern medicine, many remedies have been created that eliminate the symptoms of allergies, but only for a while. Allergy to strawberries is seasonal, and most often the disease makes itself felt in the spring and summer.

The main advice for patients is to stop using. But if you accidentally ate a berry (for example, as part of a cake), you should know how to help the body.

We fix the problem

Any allergy sufferer knows that one cannot do antihistamines They should be taken immediately after eating the berries inside. If an allergy to strawberries in an adult is gaining momentum, the patient's breathing becomes difficult, the larynx swells, and the case is close to anaphylactic shock - urgently hospitalize the patient, otherwise a fatal outcome is possible.

After the threat has passed, the patient is prescribed preventive treatment, products that cleanse the body of toxins and allergens, and one should not forget about proper nutrition. There are a number of techniques designed to support your digestive tract. Cleansing the body has never bothered anyone. The diet should be followed for at least a week, and preferably for two to three weeks, only then you will see a positive trend. This problem will no longer bother for a long time if all necessary measures are taken in a timely manner.

Now that we know how a strawberry allergy manifests itself, it's time to talk about medications that can help you. Before you start taking the medicine, carefully read the instructions, all side effects and contraindications. The drug market today is replete with all kinds of fast-acting drugs, but we will talk about the most effective ones.

Among all antihistamines, according to statistics, such remedies as Erius, Aleron help to cope with the consequences of allergies best of all. Their advantages over other drugs are undeniable: these drugs do not cause drowsiness and allow you to live fully without restrictions.

Loratadin and Suprastin, Tavegil will also quickly relieve the first symptoms of allergies, but they contain a little more substances that reduce your concentration. When using them, you should not drive a car.

Pay attention to cosmetics and household chemicalsif you are suffering from allergies. With an allergic exacerbation, all cosmetics should be hypoallergenic. You can also use cosmetics for children, it has fewer chemical dyes and additives.

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