Treatment of allergies with folk remedies

herbs for allergiesAllergy is a disease that is diagnosed in an increasing number of patients every year. People of all ages suffer from the disease: from infants to people of mature age. Science is discovering more and more new allergens, scientists are fighting the disease with advanced means. Unfortunately, in some cases, modern technology and newfangled medicines do not work. Then a person has to turn to old grandmother's recipes. Treatment of allergies with folk remedies has an advantage over pills, since chemicals artificially created by man do not enter the body.

What provokes an attack of the disease?

Before starting treatment, of course, it is important to figure out which allergen provoked the reaction of the body. Recall that allergens are divided into several types:

  • Food (food)
  • Pollen (flowering plants, pollen of cereals)
  • Household (dust, mites and their waste products)
  • Epidermal (wool, skin, saliva, feathers, fluff, dandruff, etc.)
  • Medicinal (drugs in any form)
  • Chemical (chemicals used in production and at home)
  • Bacterial - fungal (spores, mold, bacteria)

Try to remember after interacting with which substance your health worsened and, of course, it is worth taking a blood test to find out the cause of the exacerbation of the allergy.

Allergy treatment is important to start immediately after diagnosis. Any delay aggravates and delays the course of the disease and provokes new allergy attacks with serious consequences.

Benefits of alternative therapies

When we give preference to folk remedies, we provide a huge service to our liver and kidneys, because it is these organs that filter all substances that enter the body. During the period of exacerbation of allergies, our condition worsens, so it is not worth overloading the internal organs with medicines without unnecessary need. But having an effective folk remedy in stock never hurts.

We are treated on our own

sea ​​salt for allergiesMany people with allergies suffer from chronic rhinitis , that is, nasal congestion. In pharmacies, there are plenty of remedies that relieve this symptom. But you are not a supporter of chemistry and medicines. In this case, a folk remedy based on sea salt is suitable for you. It is famous for its medicinal properties, a large number of useful minerals and, of course, an abundance of iodine.

When buying sea salt in a pharmacy, pay attention to the composition.
Salt should not contain fragrances and all kinds of dyes. Otherwise, your allergy can only worsen. Dissolve one tablespoon of sea salt in warm water (0.5 liters) and rinse the sinuses with a warm solution. This solution will save you from allergic rhinitis, it also copes well with colds and is a good prophylactic.

Healing properties of celery

celery for allergic reactionsVery often in our time, people suffer from an allergy to ragweed . Our ancestors also noticed that celery relieves itching well. So, we present you a way to cure itching and rashes quickly and without drugs.

You will need the juice of about ten bunches of medium-sized celery. It can be squeezed out with a meat grinder or blender, and then mixed with honey or sugar. Keep refrigerated. Celery juice should be taken three times two tablespoons half an hour before meals for 3-4 days. You will immediately notice improvements, the itching will stop, the swelling will subside.

Herbal decoctions

decoctions of herbsIn respiratory diseases, we often use herbs. Chamomile and calendula, St. John's wort and rosehip have proven themselves as anti-inflammatory and soothing agents. But not many people know that these same herbs, in combination with oak root, are used to relieve symptoms of dust allergy .

Centaury (it can be purchased at a pharmacy) in the amount of 5 tablespoons, mix with St. John's wort (4 tablespoons), 2 tablespoons of chamomile and 2 tablespoons of rose hips.
All ingredients should be mixed, then pour warm water (not boiling water) and let it brew for one night. In the morning, strain the broth and heat without boiling. Next, pour the resulting drug into an opaque container or put it in a dark place for 4 hours so that the broth is properly infused. It is necessary to take a decoction three times a day before meals, a third of a glass at a time. The course of treatment can not be called fast. Toxins leave the body within six months, so please be patient.

Bay leaf - an effective remedy in the fight against allergies

bay leaf for allergiesBay leaf tincture also, like bay oil, helps relieve itching from the skin.
If the allergy has affected large areas of the skin, it is recommended to take a laurel bath. Laurel leaves are also taken orally to relieve the symptoms of the disease faster. Note: string, chamomile, rose hips, centaury, celandine, calendula, dandelion root - all this should be in your closet if you are a supporter of the treatment of allergies with folk remedies.

Note to parents

For children, doctors often prescribe herbal therapy as a therapeutic and preventive remedy for allergies. It should be noted here that all procedures are strictly dosed. It is also important to know that children under one year old are recommended only external effects on the skin (lotions), and not internal ones, since the child’s body is not yet adapted to take certain substances, which can provoke an allergy attack.

If the child has already grown up, medicinal syrups based on herbs are prescribed, but it is better to make a decoction of herbs on your own to make sure that there are no chemicals in the allergy remedy.

Decoction of nettle leaves and flowers
Take 3 tablespoons of leaves, previously dried and crushed, pour boiling water over them (0.5 liters) and let it brew for about an hour in a thermos, after which you should drink a decoction 4-5 times a day, 100 g each. The child will immediately feel better, the functions of the respiratory system will be restored (if there was nasal congestion before).

There are a huge number of recipes without the use of chemistry. It is only important to carefully study all the components that you are going to use to make the medicine at home.

Remove puffiness from the eyes

onion benefitsEvery housewife has vegetables in the kitchen. Onions are known for their disinfecting properties to any child. It is onions that are popularly used to relieve swelling from the eyes during an exacerbation of allergies. The remedy is prepared very easily: the onion must be boiled until tender, the onion broth is cooled and a spoonful of honey is added to it (if you do not suffer, of course, from an allergy to honey). Wash your eyes 4 times a day.

In the kitchen, wheat porridge is always at hand. The water in which it was boiled can also be used to reduce swelling. Just wash your eyes with a decoction half an hour before bedtime, and soon you will feel that your eyes are wide open, you are living a full life again, and do not look at the world through narrow slits due to a hateful allergy.

We hope that our tips will help you relieve the symptoms of the disease, and you will return to a full life without allergies as soon as possible. Finally, one more piece of advice: lead an active lifestyle, do not stay too long in stuffy apartments, go out into the fresh air, spend more time in nature, move, and then your body will quickly cope with diseases.


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