Allergy to cats: truth and fiction

allergy to catsMany people cannot imagine their lives without pets, whose name is Cats. Who can resist the endless charm of a fluffy ball? And even a dozen sharp claws cannot spoil the pleasure of communicating with a pet. What can not be said about an attack of allergies to cats. This disease not only prevents you from enjoying the company of companion animals, but in critical cases can cause serious trouble.

What to do if you have this disease? To take a cat to a shelter under the loud protests of the household? Or are there more gentle methods? We will talk about this and much more in this article.

"Fluffy" Problems

When it comes to cat allergies, wool is the main source. There is an opinion that these villi enter the nasopharynx and cause irritation. The consequence of this popular misconception is the bright advertisement of breeders about the "hypoallergenicity" of sphinxes. allergy to cats

The truth lies somewhere nearby. The true culprit of the disease are the proteins Fel d1 (secretoglobin) and Fel d4 (lipocaine). They are found in all your pet's secretions. Starting from saliva and urine, ending with sebaceous glands and sexual secretion. So any cat, including hairless ones, can cause an allergic reaction.

However, there is still a grain of truth in these rumors. Some breeds, such as Siberian cats, have very low levels of Fel d1. In addition, your pet's diet plays an important role in the production of allergenic proteins. The catalyst for the reproduction of allergens can be an ultra-modern filler for the tray.

Symptoms and features of the disease

Cat allergy symptoms are generally standard and differ little from reactions to other allergens. They may include:

  • sneezing, runny or stuffy nose;
  •  Allergic conjunctivitis and lacrimation;
  •  Itching and redness of the skin, followed by a rash;
  • In severe cases, allergic asthma.

These symptoms are most dangerous for asthmatics and children under the age of 5 years.
But cats also have a positive effect on the growing personality, and not every parent will deny the child the pleasure of having a four-legged friend.

An important point. Contrary to the name, cat allergies often do not apply to all varieties of felines. As a rule, only certain breeds or even a specific representative of the furry cohort cause an allergic reaction. And sometimes the problem is solved by simply bathing Murka.

Diagnosis of the disease

The first thing you need to pay attention to when self-diagnosing is the frequency and frequency of allergic reactions. It is a good idea to temporarily limit communication with the pet, transferring it to the care of the household or even defining it to stay in another apartment. In any case, do not be too lazy to carry out a complete cleaning of the premises to remove all potential allergens.

allergy to catsHowever, the best way out is a visit to an allergist. And it's not even the accuracy of modern analyzes. Under the guise of an allergy, other, much more dangerous diseases can be hidden. In particular, chlamydia or toxoplasmosis.

An additional argument in favor of visiting a doctor is the possibility of identifying a specific allergy causative agent. Sometimes laboratory tests give very interesting results. For example, the true culprit for a cat allergy may be dust accumulated on your pet's favorite bed.

How to cure it?

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of allergies to cats. But to alleviate its symptoms - the task is quite doable. The main "weapons" of modern medicine here are general antihistamines and ointments. In addition, a more aggressive approach in the form of allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) can be applied. But it is better to postpone such a last resort. And that's why.

The essence of ASIT is the concept of "knocking out a wedge with a wedge." Simply put, the patient's body is "trained" to tolerate allergens by injecting their concentrate. But with constant contact with their fluffy carrier, such a procedure is unnecessary. Scientists have long noticed that after a long period of contact with an allergenic pet, the patient's allergy symptoms become dull even without medical intervention. So the key here is patience.

The use of ASIT is allowed when the main source of allergic reactions is not the pet itself, but the pollen or dust that it carries in its fur coat. But even here it is easiest not to let your pet go for a walk during the flowering season and bathe more often, despite all the protests from the cat.

Should I get a pet?

Allergy to cats is not a reason to get rid of your pet.allergy to cats This makes sense only with an acute allergic reaction in the form of asthma or laryngeal edema. In other cases, a prosperous coexistence can be organized on your own with the help of these simple tips.

  1. Carry out wet cleaning of the premises at least 2 times a week;
  2. Get rid of thick curtains, carpets and rugs. In addition to collecting wool, such things accumulate whole deposits of dust;
  3. Limit your pet's access to the bedroom;
  4. Do not let the cat lie on bed linen or clothing;
  5. Things are best stored in a closet, in cases or sealed bags;
  6. Install an air purifier in the room and ventilate the rooms regularly;
  7. Bathe your cat regularly. Monitor his health and vaccinate against diseases in time;
  8. Give your cat Omega-3 (fish oil). It reduces the production of allergenic proteins;
  9. Sterilization or castration significantly reduces the allergenicity of the pet.

hypoallergenic cats

As we mentioned, cats that do not cause allergies are a persistent myth. Although based on real facts. Representatives of some breeds really cause allergies much less often than their fellow tribesmen. In addition to the previously named Siberian cat, cat allergy sufferers are advised to have curly-haired cats (Rex breed), sphinxes or representatives of the Bombay breed. allergy to cats

The color also matters. Oddly enough, an allergic reaction to white cats is much less common than to their dark-colored relatives. And even within the same breed.

In addition, it has been established for certain that female felines emit an order of magnitude less allergenic proteins than males. So keep this in mind when choosing a future pet.

Allergy to cats is, of course, a tragedy. But even this blow can be survived by keeping your furry pet. Indeed, in the frantic pace of today's life, we already have so few pleasures. Moreover, tests bring together not only people, but also animals. And who will refuse an extra friend? Let him be as capricious as your favorite cat.

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