Is there an allergy to fish food?

fish food allergyMany, thinking about how to get a pet, opt for aquarium fish. Fish in the aquarium are a good sedative, and also decorate the interior well. This option seems to be optimal if you are busy with work: you don’t have to walk, play with the fish, you just have to feed and change the water. But not everything is so clear in this matter.

Aquarium fish in our time come in various types and sizes. This means they eat differently. Our article will focus not so much on the fish themselves, but on their food, because it is he who is able to cause powerful allergies in adults and children. Few people know about this fact.

Usually, when an allergic reaction occurs, the first thing that comes to mind is dust , cat dander , or plant pollen . But no one can even think that the matter is in harmless fish.

It would not be entirely correct to talk about the occurrence of an allergy to fish.
If you look, the allergy occurs only to food, as well as fungi and mold, which can form with improper care of the home reservoir. Fungi most often accumulate on the glass walls of the aquarium, which, in turn, provokes the appearance of greenery on the sides of the aquarium. The circulation system, together with air bubbles, drives around the aquarium all the fungal formations that we risk inhaling, being in close proximity to the aquarium. Of course, we should not forget about the state of our immunity, on which, as you know, our health directly depends.
If the immune system is weakened, expect trouble. So, you have discovered this strange ailment. How does a food allergy manifest itself?

Symptoms of the disease

In contact with the skin, small particles of feed cause:

  • redness, peeling and itching;
  • there is lacrimation and sore throat, a choking cough appears;
  • a cough appears, similar to an attack of bronchial asthma;
  • observed atopic dermatitis.

It is important to remember that dry food causes more harm to children than adults.

Children under four years of age are the most difficult to tolerate the symptoms of this type of allergy.allergy to daphnia That is why, recently, in all kindergartens, “living” corners where fish and other living creatures live have been urgently eliminated.
After all, the health of the child is more important than any entertainment. It's all about the protein structure of the feed. The food consists of dry daphnia and crustaceans. With careful grinding, dust particles fall on the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

In addition to food, you should pay attention to the soil contained at the bottom of the aquarium. If you know that someone in the family is allergic or asthmatic, stop using sand. The best option in this case would be pebbles. Small stones are convenient for fish, but will give you trouble when changing water. The stones will have to be thoroughly washed or even boiled, because with prolonged contact with water and as a result of their interaction with the waste products of fish, they tend to become covered with green mud, while exuding a not very pleasant smell. In addition, uncleaned stones form an environment for harmful bacteria.

How to protect yourself?

The way out of the situation may be to replace dry food with live food.
Moreover, it is more beneficial for the pets themselves, the live food contains more essential trace elements, and there is also less risk that it will cause an allergic reaction. In addition to live food, you can find pelleted food in pet stores, which is also less dangerous than dry food.
Fish breeders advise the use of gloves and masks when feeding the fish.

Doctors recommend
that if you develop an allergy to fish, immediately contact a medical facility or take antihistamines on your own to relieve symptoms.

An immunologist will perform allergy tests to determine the exact diagnosis. If an allergy occurs in a child, urgently contact a pediatrician who will confirm the diagnosis and correctly prescribe treatment.

The leader in the treatment of fish allergy is Enterosgel, which performs an adsorbing function, that is, it cleanses the body of harmful substances. In addition, this tool does not pose a threat to your digestive system and gastrointestinal tract.

In conclusion, I would like to note that you should not be afraid to start fish. Just follow the simplest rules of hygiene and keep your immune system on alert. Be healthy and enjoy a full life with your pets.

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